Category breastfeeding

Night weaning

  More on night weaning:   Of course, it helps that my daughter is now 2 years old (and 4 months) and can actually understand some reason. She’s a big talker. So one of the things I accidentally did right, early on, was getting into the habit of only breastfeeding in one spot. Just one. The […]

He announces he’s an alcoholic

So, I still look at families who have decided to have more than one child (let’s save the fact they were able to have a choice for another day) and I wonder how the hell they’re doing it.  Here’s what I’m guessing: They have a fuckton of family and friends who support them and actually […]

Night weaning while bedsharing….

  So, my daughter is … (I’m losing count)…. 2 years and 4 months old. She’s a really cool human. She’s been talking in complete sentences for a while, and what’s wonderful for my mental health is the fact that she has stopped night nursing. Hoooooooray. People tell me all the time that when you […]

Trendy ! Breastfeeding with shingles!

I have shingles. AND I’m breastfeeding. This is so incredibly sexy. Imagine a scary, scabby rash, wrapping around your rib cage like a dragon’s scaly tail, while the dragon breastfeeds. Or… er.. something. They don’t breastfeed, though, do they? Well, on Game of Thrones they might. Anyway, the drugs are great! Wish you were here!