Monthly Archives: June 2012

Weird resentments of “normal” pregnant people

It’s crazy. My immediate next door neighbor is due in October, and I’m due in January. But I’m keeping it a secret from her. I still resent her! I don’t know what my problem is… ok, yeah, I do. This is her second pregnancy since we’ve been trying (3 years). It’s been so effortless for […]

Small gestational age?

Fucking hell, doc! My reproductive endocrinologist, otherwise known as the fertility doctor, called on Friday and said he just realized that the embryo was a week behind schedule. They hadn’t realized this earlier because I’d come in for ultrasounds a week later (both times) than most people do. (For the record, I didn’t ask to […]

A little more

So, we had a second ultrasound yesterday. The peanut’s heart rate was 160 bpm.  I officially graduated from the fertility clinic, with no fanfare whatsoever.  But I’ll go back and visit some afternoon in 6 months or so, maybe. The doctor said that we now have a 90 percent chance of a live birth. J […]